About Service Catalog
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Ultimate Communication
JN Technology
> Share your service wether its business , request or open -discussion , To large community , Target your post to spesific destination done so easily here , just just define post-specs type/category/specialty/country/city .
> Seek easily your fav community posts among of thousands of already existants automated ones, by applying suitable filters .
> Save time of searching where to share , Just Focus in writing and reading ,providing Auto-sharing , Auto-following
> Switch between 7 standard business types , 45 lif's categories to write in , open list of specialties for more spesific niche , all countries list , open city list covering all the worls .make combination to perform the desired Network
>Social Groups of huge number are distruputed in few system common standard networks
>> Example : Having an announcment for all Newyork Citizens
you can post to Newyork City selecting only city as newyork , were newyork followers would select it while browsing and get the news update, all done in one step, " select from drop down list" .
"in the meaning of post to and follow a very large targeted public communities "
Welcome ,to Joynet new technology ,presenting the PUBLIC E-MAIL concept, A new way for communication with poeple around ,Public email is a result of meging 2 main communication systems , the email standard , and the social media post ,
taking advantages of both into 1 package sending ... so its like to email a social post,
were every post is complete page , basically you not creat page and add posts to it , instead you creat post as a page and send to network as you you send email ,,acheiving auto- sharing by saving it in database browsed all the time by readers .
Simply we take the receiver adress of the email and put other form instead , the form actually is the group or community of social media with more advanced mode , in that we involve a nich - place defined by the system and user select from a list .
example :
Now the public has the form of :
The specs part used to describe the targeted readers and the reason of the post more spesifically to reach the desired original goal of sending and to receive more professional responses , if you send to a group , you not know who is business , who is not .in this module you can target what you prefer .
"communication" used to target business specialists , customeres ,or social environment , meaning to define the reason of the post . so customer can promote his needs to them and business receives automatically their requests and vice versa .
"speciality " is defined by any user for more spesific searching after the category level , e.g.
type : Sell/buy
category : Technology , computers
speciality : Developer , designer ..etc
"city " field also works in same way , speciality could present hashtag or a group
Useful For
Consider following complete niche or messeges sent to spesific coutry or place , its mostly used for:
-Effective Marketing
General Announcment
- Arranging events and invitations
- Reading news
- Following updates
-Communication between poeple of different countries for business of social
- Job recuirment
- Supply chain projects
- Fast finding offeres solutions and more..
Public Email Structure
The Public email includes full social or e-mail contents structure
Text , and media adding special parts for communication , niche and contact , also social references included ,
SC is the online database to save all emails and controll of the hole process in very fast , simple and well organized way divided in 4main parts ,
- Work Space : Create The email and send , located in Service workspace private page
- Browsing : To read emails , located in Joynet page (special list , page )
- My services ,Fav : Save your created email for further refernce like editing ,or Fav ones ,located in related pages .
- Tools : Special tools for full tagging and filtering of email specs , located in related
Social Post
Public Email
Merged Communication
To :
Email Form
Service @ Music..
social media mode
So we replaced the adress in the server email to type and category specs to decide the nich , type andd category are system defined so all know about it , the writer-sender and the reader-receiver watch same list .
Defining a nich is like posting to it then follwoning is so easy , as readers select it to see what new posts ( messeges ) sent to it , all done in one system public board (SC Page ) .
To :
Contact Info
Best Use for :
- Write : writing to fav topic and share with interested network-members ,
Challenge : Only network to enable you to write in MUSIC ,without searching tags , groups , communities , only by selecting music from category list , also reader do this by selecting the right filter and more you can specifty in which kind of music , the place were the topic is important . again with one selection .
-Save : every thing is saved in the database of organized data and searched with title (name) or , specs , Platform is enabled to be used for online reference working as simple fast search engine .
- Search on demand business service : Fastest way ever ,
example : looking to reach specialists on IT developing companies to solve an issue , just filter as >>
Type = "Service" , Category= Technology computers ..", Speciality = " Developing"
and get the list .
- Announce : need to organize event , Invite public community , talking officially to persones of spesific category as Engineers , Traders , Doctores ..etc ,
Challenge : JN is the Only Network can do this , just selecting right specs as above .
- Free Marketing /Promotions : Promote hot offers ,solutions , new products ..etc, advertis "opening soon" , "Just Opened" ads ..etc , All are free annd in fastest way , as just to create and save post with desired specs .
Business & Marketing
With Sc We Aim to Deliver a Much Better Technology for Shopping , Business Marketing and Customer Satisfications , Using Social Media & Dtabases Technologies or Features . Helping to Fast Find the Right Business online for Offeres ,Solutions ,Info and Contact ..etc .Thanks for Reading This Illustration Article,,,
CUSTOMER says : are you there ?BUSINESS response : Im Here !

General Benefits
Auto-Advertise Your Services
Auto-Promote Your Needs to Specialists
all ON LINE , all FREE.
Promotion of Personal Profiles / Social Media References
In SC General Post could present business promotion , or personal profile ,saved in searchable database similar to PRODUCT in e-store , consisting of main 3 parts :
1- Fields
e.g. type , category , speciality ..described in details below .
Defines collection of specs to describe the exact niche and the type of communication needed or the exact targeted audiences to reach directly , used to categorize and to distinguish between posts into diffrent networks , all done automatically .
2- Contents (body)
complete Social media structre , ( text description, text for business info , images , media ..etc)
3-Contact Info and all social interface links
Simply the writer defines values of above fields and reader searches them
AI Shopping
As ai helps us to avoid much searching and connecting many types of informations to find what we want exactly , we apply a new methodology doing this in the world of service shop
By this method two major things acheived:
1- Apply the products system in a store , On services shop over a social-business network
were we define system standard fields to describe and sort services in collections just like products collection being categorized like technology , cloths , health, accssories , home ..etc.
Defining almost most types and categories we obtain all shopes in one center point over a simple database called the service-catalog.
2-As an open platform , Allowing also members to post to this mall for business promotions or a service -requests , this performs a social network for shopping . With a large benefits in that ,
Saving a post in category A makes it reacable aways for interested in this category A, in other platforms , the post disappeared coz its not categorized , finding this post again is so easy when selecting the same category back .
- All shopes in front of one place , just selecting a different category then you swoitched to complete shop or network
- No searching headache through the Internet , here you not search everything , you only find , follwing the filters till a point were the area of searching is restricted to few things .
- Very fast creating ,sharing posts and a very effctive marketing..
WorkSpace - Create Post
Services & Networks
In JN SC Module , every service consists of multiple fields performing a certain network were you target this network in sharing or exploring posts ,
The Fields like promotion,type , category,speciality , country, city, delivery option , youtube-facebook links , Present the communication , niche, service-area , and social standard parts of a general service .
The Combination (by Filtering the above fields) performs the spesific desired NETWORK .
Think about the Network as a specifid by system GROUP ,Community , or an Email List ...etc .
Example , Post to service with Type = application, Category = business , is like to post to group of business application, with a difference that you not search this group but you just filter in few seconds ,
and the biggest benefit is the huge number of visitores to spesific network, if you can imagine all interesting in your post -niche are exploring it in one single point (Network) , the network has collected all sub groups of certain niche in one place , one group or one network, So :
Network Switching Concept
Using Fileld & Filters
In SC we use a categorized by fields posts ,
The post consiste of 2 parts ,
1- the regular parts of content (text , image , photo gallery ,video .. etc)
2- and The second part is a collection of basic definitions fields just like ordinary product in a store categorized among collections ,its optional to select a vlue to each or leave it empty so its defined as ALL , but what defined its posted it becomes a networking selection , these fields are :
Promotion : business , customer or social promotion ,
Publish : public or private post
Type : What the post describ ( whether Its a product , service , tool , utility , solution ..etc )
Category : in what niche its based on ( health , education science , trading , business , ..etc)
Specialty : brand , agency , what profession . add new one or select from list
Country , City : The Service area
Every combination between the above fields present a network
Example :
Define Type : application , category : health , city : dubai
so writer is talking (post) to interested poeple in dubai of application designed for health
its not a must to define any other field but every time the post is dedicated to a spesiific network (shop)
so every time user decide to select a value for a field , its like to post to this dedicated network , the network depends on fields's selection of the writer- sender , and found by the
filter's selection of the reader- receiver , exactly in same way .
In General
- Define a service to provide
selecting business-response
- Deside type and category
of your promotion
-Save Post
- Get Requests
-Define a service to request selecting customer-request
-Decide type and category of your issue
- Save Post
- Get Responses
All Privacy Reserved
Switch between different targeted networks by selecting proper fields
were every combination considered as a separate dedicated network targeted by the writer , Default is always the 'ALL' network .(posted to all network's members )
Examples :
1- If prevousley defined Type : aplication , category : health , city : Dubai
so writer is talking (post) to interested poeple in dubai of application designed for health
2- If you want to talk (post) to developeres in india , just define the post as
Type : Software , Country : India .
3- Reaching harddisks supplier in china in Shanghai define the post fields as
Promotion : customer-request , Type : Manufacturing , Category : Technology & Computer , Mobile ,Country : China , City Shanghai
Then the supplier will receive the post /request automatically adding the same filteres
SC is a business network with social effects based on B2B and C2b commuunication , were you create and post a complete page as a service every time ,categorized by type and category , as its saved as an entry in the service-catalog its automatically being reachable to all interested members in related niche , so no need for extensive sharing or promotion. were is no search process put always just find the desired service or cuatomeres .
The technology(method) aimed to enhance the B2B and C2B communicationis , and described briefly for you to understand in two major points :
1 - In joynet all posts are treated as products in a store were everything is categorized , the post is categorized via two standard fields , the TYPE and the CATEGORY,( presenting the stanard groups or hashtags of social media and messaging services ) ,
when creating the post , user has the option to define them or not , but when defined the post is targeted to suitable interested searchers , when not its categorized as in the ALL collection .
The above two Fields describe in details all lif's style standards services such as health , education , travel , energy ..etc were the Type field describes exactly the speciality or type of the solution.
2- Again user can define the post as a request for service or a provider one , in this way its easy to
the two parts to find the targeted audience . enhancing the B2b C2B and C2C communication .
So , No promotion or sharing neede as user just creates and saves the post in the service-catalog choosing the rifgt values of the above fields .
Start by adding an entry to catalog as service-oriented post either as a customer request , or business response.
All the above are done reserving full user privacy and rights , specially with the option to post as public or not .
Future Clients