March 13, 2025 at 10:32:21 PM
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Buildings , Maintenance , Housing Services

Product Description
ALARABIA Tile Adhesive C2TE S1 is a flexible adhesive for wall and floor tiles. It is specially formulated with extended workability, enhanced adhesion and flexibility, making it ideal for areas where slight movement or vibration can occur. Classified as S1 in accordance with EN12004 it has the high level of deformation for greater tolerance to movement. It has extended set properties.
Features and benefits
• Low viscosity, therefore easily workable.
• Highly thixotropic.
• Can be applied on a vertical surface without sagging or letting even heavy and large tiles slip.
• Tiles can be installed from the top towards the bottom without using spacer.
• Good capability to accommodate the different deformation of the covering from the substrate.
• Perfect adherence to all materials normally used in building.
• Hardens, even when very thickly applied, without appreciable shrinkage and dimensional changes.
• Particularly good extended open and adjustability time, facilitating installation.
Business Info
Typical use
• Suitable for use with large variety of tiles including ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tiles.
• Excellent workability and non-slip properties, ideal for fixing large format tiles.
• Internal and External use.
• Ideal in showers, wet rooms, swimming pools and areas subject to prolonged wet conditions.
• Unaffected by frost after setting.
Plaster, concrete, block work, cement board, etc.…
Product Data
Packaging size
25 Kg
Powder Density 1.30-1.40 g/cm3
Mixed Density 1.6-1.70 g/cm3
Slip Resistance <0.5mm
Pull off Strength ≥ 1 MPa
Application data
The product can be applied by
Notched trowel Recommended
Cleaning of painting tools
Immediate cleaning with water is necessary.
Film Thickness per coat
Dry film thickness 5 mm
Theoretical spreading rate 8 m2/pack
Spreading rates depending on the conditions of the substrate and the type of tile used.
Thinner (solvent to mix with) Water
Dilution (Mix Ratio)
ALARABIA Tile Adhesive C2TE S1 is provided in powder form, mixing ratio is 0.30 by total weight of ALARABIA Tile Adhesive C2TE S1 .
Conditions during application
Do not apply if the temperature is below 5˚C and not more than 40˚C. For ambient air temperature > 30˚C continuous humidification (spraying water mist) is required before and during application. Avoid working under direct sunlight.
Directions for use
Surface preparation
• Ensure that surface is thoroughly cleaned and free from grease, oil, dirt, salt and other containment.
• Surface must be moistened with water before applying the mixture, especially old surfaces.
Recommended System Number of coats:
One coat, apply with notched trowel then fix the tile. Proceed to apply while the adhesive is still wet.
Some types of tiles need to be immersed prior to apply.
• Store in cool, dry place in a well-sealed container away from moist air for 6 months.
• Keep away from heat, ignition sources and from children.
• Clean mixing container before use. Do not use dirty tools.
• Do not exceed dilution ratios.
• Keep out of the reach of children.
Health and safety
Possible Hazards: it causes irritation in case of skin contact & eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes and seek medical advice in case it happened.
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